Enrolling at Kiara College
The local intake area for Kiara College contains all, or part of, the local intake areas of the following schools:
- Beechboro Primary School
- Caversham Primary School
- Caversham Valley Primary School
- East Beechboro Primary School
- Eden Hill Primary School
- Lockridge Primary School
- West Beechboro Primary School
Student Enrolment Packs are delivered to these primary schools during Term 3. Alternatively, download your application here or collect from our Administration Office.
Year 7 Enrolment Application
Supporting Documents and Requirements
The Enrolment Form is to be returned to Kiara College in person by a Parent or Caregiver, along with:
- Original Full Birth Certificate
- Proof of guardianship if the person enrolling the student is not the parent named on the Birth Certificate
- Passport (if child was born overseas)
- Relevant Visa documentation for parents/caregivers including Visa Grant Number (13 numbers), date of entry to Australia etc. (if applicable)
- Australian Citizenship Document (if applicable)
- Access Restriction Documentation (if applicable)
- Immunisation/Health Records (available from Medicare or Australian Immunisation Register)
- Latest school reports
- Copy of timetable from your current school (Upper School Students)
- Proof of address e.g. driver’s license, power account (connection or account), gas account (connection or account), telephone account
- Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Year 7 Orientation Days
Enrolment must be completed prior to attending Orientation Day.
Information for Orientation Dates for students commencing Year 7 in 2025
Dates: (Students are expected to attend all 3 days).
Time: 8.50am to 2.55pm
Wear: Primary School Uniform
- Recess and Lunch (Year 7 students have access to the Canteen 15 minutes prior to scheduled breaks to avoid the rush)
- Drink bottle
- Pen and paper
Be ready for informative and fun-filled days.