Attendance Procedures

Regular attendance is essential for academic achievement; any absence from College reduces learning opportunities. For this reason, students are expected to attend every class in each of their subjects. From time-to-time absences will occur. These might be due to medical or family reasons but no matter what the reason for the absence, work may be missed and therefore performance will be affected. Families are expected to support regular attendance by planning family activities during school holidays, not term time.

It is the student’s responsibility to discuss the work missed with his/her teachers and make arrangements to catch up

Parent/Carer Responsibility

If a student is absent from or late to College then the parent/carer must provide either a written or verbal explanation for the absence or lateness.
Parents/Carers can:

  1. a)  Phone the attendance line at the College (6235 7065).
  2. b)  Email the College .
  3. c)  Write a note and deliver it to the Attendance Officer.
  4. d)  Explain to the Attendance Officer when the child comes back to the College.

The explanation must clearly indicate the date and time of absence or lateness as well as the reason for the absence or lateness.

The reason for the absence must be acceptable to the College Principal.

  • Staying home to celebrate your birthday for example is NOT an acceptable reason forabsence.
  • Sleeping in is also NOT an acceptable reason for lateness.Students with ongoing unexplained absences or persistent lateness will be regarded as truant. In extreme instances the student will be referred to the Regional Attendance Officer.EXTENDED ABSENCESIn the event of a long absence owing to illness, students/parents are encouraged to contact the relevant teachers and organise some work where possible that can be put on CONNECT.Students travelling/holidaying for extended periods should consider enrolling in the School of Isolated and Distance Education.EARLY DEPARTUREAll students need parental permission to leave College grounds for any reason.Contact to arrange this can be via the following methods:
  • Send a note with the student explaining date, time and reason for early departure. Thismust be delivered to the Attendance Officer before school.
  • Call the Attendance Officer or the Front Office to request early collection. Please note thatadvance notice is appreciated as it may take time to have the student sign out with the Attendance Officer and be available for collection.Students are not permitted to go to the local shops during school hours and parents and students are encouraged not to arrange for food to be delivered.