Kiara College Bank Details
Please contact our Administration Office on 6235 7000
or by emailing if you have any queries.
Payments may be made via cash, cheque, EFT/credit card or online payments direct to the College bank account:
BSB: 066040
ACCOUNT: 19902159
REFERENCE: student surname & initial.
You will receive regular statements with your child’s subject selections and associated charges. Please attend to this as early as possible.
Please feel free to contact our helpful Office Staff if you have any queries, require any financial assistance or to discuss a regular periodic payment plan.
Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS)
At the beginning of every year your child attends Secondary School you may be eligible for a government subsidy – SAS. This is widely publicised by the school at enrolment, via the website and messages to parents due to the timeframe when applications can be made. This is available during Term 1 only.
SAS as it is known is the Secondary Assistance Scheme which is available to families holding one of the following cards:
- Centrelink Health Care Card
- Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or
- Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession (blue) Card
The subsidy includes:
- $235 Educational Program assistance which will be paid to the school to cover the Voluntary Contributions in Years 7 – 10 and Charges in Years 11 and 12.
- $300 clothing allowance can be paid direct to parents/guardians or alternatively to the school towards Charges.
Your card must be presented when you apply, to enable your application to be authorised. Applications are made online with the assistance of staff in the schools Administration office or alternatively please click on the application form link below to complete and return via email to with a copy of both sides of your concession card.
PLEASE NOTE: Applications close Friday 11 April 2025
Contributions and Charges
2025 Contributions and Charges – Parent Information Handbook
Kiara College is an outstanding Independent Public School that provides quality teaching across a broad range of engaging and interesting courses. The Kiara College Board has reviewed and endorsed the Contributions and Charges for 2025, to ensure that we are acting in accordance with the Education Act.
Where do the Contributions and Charge Payments go?
For Years 7 to 10, the maximum voluntary contributions the College can charge is $235.00. This is used for items such as:
in-class textbooks and resources, art materials, ingredients for food production, timber, metal and consumable tools, sporting equipment and so on.
Declining to pay voluntary contributions may mean we cannot maintain the high standard of educational materials for your child. We encourage you to pay these costs and offer a range of family friendly payment facilities.
For Years 11 and 12 there are no maximum charges that are set by the State Government, however the College sets reasonable charges for the subjects. It is important to note that ALL subject costs in Years 11 and 12 are compulsory.
You are encouraged to pay your Contributions and Charges before the end of Term 1. Funds received are used to purchase resources throughout the year. We are aware that for some families this may be a burden and advise it is possible to negotiate a payment plan. To arrange a plan, please contact our Administration Office.
Voluntary Approved Requests Student Services $10
We are proud of the holistic student services we offer at Kiara College including Psychologist, non-denominational Chaplain, Nurse, Year Coordinators, Student Services Manager, Student Service Support Officers and Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers (AIEO).
We believe our students should benefit from an excellent level of support. This cost exceeds the funding that we receive from the Government and therefore we rely on the money we raise from this request. Our Student Services Team offer talks on well-being, bullying prevention, self-esteem, engagement, health as well as providing reward activities.
College Bus Replacement $20
We have two buses that are used for most College excursions or external activities. This reduces the costs significantly of excursions. To assist in building a reserve account to replace the buses, the assistance of our families is appreciated.
College Activities $20
College activities include sports carnivals, K-Surf, Harmony Day, RU OK Day, Healthy Schools promotions, Act Belong Commit and other College-based activities that are partly funded by these collections.
Information Technology $45
The resources provided by the College Library are up-to-date and from funds received through this collection we are able to continue to renew IT resources annually.
Funds for Information Technology go towards providing technology resources and services that ensure students can access computers, programs and learning tools.
Optional Cost Yearbook $30
Each year staff and students work together towards providing a glossy full colour book of highlights, photographs and achievements for the year. Students love to look back on their college years and reminisce. Buying the Yearbook is optional, the cost is not included on the Contributions and Charges account and the book is distributed at the end of the year.
Excursions & Incursions
The Department of Education requires that we inform you of excursions, incursions, camps, competitions and other activities that may take place in 2023. Participation in these activities is voluntary. The charges are estimates only.
7 | Excursions, incursions, reward activities, discos, KFest | $300.00 maximum |
8 | Excursions, incursions, reward activities, discos, KFest | $300.00 maximum |
9 | Excursions, incursions, reward activities, KFest | $300.00 maximum |
10 | Excursions, incursions, reward activities, KFest | $300.00 maximum |
11 | Excursions, incursions, reward activities, KFest, College Ball, Leavers Jumper for Year 12 | $500.00 maximum |
12 | Excursions, incursions, reward activities, KFest, College Ball, Leavers Jumper if not paid in previous year, Award Ceremony. | $550.00 maximum |
- Items such as College photographs are ordered from and paid direct to the photographer – this includes photographs taken at the College Ball.
- Reprinting Timetables – Student timetables are printed and distributed to all students at the beginning of each term. For those students requiring a reprint of their timetables, we require a payment of $1.00. This fee is paid at the point of request i.e. Student Services or Administration Office.
- Print Credits – Students receive a credit of $10.00 on their printing account. When the credit runs out, students need to purchase further credits from the Administration Office.